I love these albums. Maybe one or two misses max, but generally a fully solid experience that I love. Links are to favorite songs.
HEALTH - SLAVES OF FEAR - Industrial Noise Rock
swazy* - bullet therapy - Digicore/Hyperpop
Ada Rook - A Future - Electropop/Digital Hardcore
Nine Inch Nails - Pretty Hate Machine - Industrial
deid - SCENE - emo (Spotify link, sorry!)
PLASTIC GIRL IN CLOSET - White Loud (Remake) - Shoegaze
Coaltar Of the Deepers/Boris - "hello there" - Shoegaze/Post-Metal
・・・・・・・・・ - Blank - J-Pop/Shoegaze
・・・・・・・・・ - Points - J-Pop/Shoegaze
Mixed Matches - in ivory tower - Bedroom Pop/Ambient Pop
The Dillinger Escape Plan - One Of Us Is The Killer - Mathcore
Botch - We Are The Romans - Mathcore
TWINK OBLITERATOR - oof~ - Mathcore
The Jonbonet - The Plot Thickens - Sasscore
Don Broco - Technology - Pop-Rock/Alt Metal
Don Broco - Amazing Things - Pop-Rock/Alt Metal
Bladee/Ekko2k - The Fool - Draingaaaaaaaaang
Injury Reserve - Floss - Hardcore Hip Hop
Injury Reserve - By The Time I Get To Pheonix - Expiremental Hip Hop